
Here are some of the projects I have worked on during my time at SAIT, as well as some of my own personal projects.

School Projects

  • Signup page (MongoDB test)

    Utilizing MongoDB, this is my simple implementation of a sign up form. Create a username and password to test it out!

    Don't use your real password!
  • Signin page (Custom Test)

    This is my attempt at combining both a login and protected page together. As well, I wanted to fix my issues with the sign in page not redirecting properly.In this test, I have a custom sign in page that allows you to sign in with a username and password, or with your google account. If you are successful, you will be redirected to the same page, and clicking the modal with give you the authorized page!

    Try me out, I worked hard on this!
  • Database Comment and Retrieval Test

    This is a simple page that allows you to enter a username and comment and submit it to a database. I had a lot of trouble with this one, but I finally got it working!

    This took me longer than it should have

Private Projects

  • Game Design

    My dream goal. One day I hope to be able to create my own video game, inspired by my favorite game of all time, X-Com: Terror from the Deep. I have a lot of ideas, but I need to learn a lot more before I can even begin to start this project. This page will be a continuous work in progress, as I learn more and more about game design and development.

    Take a look at my current progress!
  • Private Project 2